Nena and Kim Wilde – Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime

Název hudebního videoklipu:
Nena and Kim Wilde – Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime
Nena and Kim Wilde - Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime

Videoklip k písničce: Nena and Kim Wilde – Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime


10 responses to “Nena and Kim Wilde – Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime”

  1. Hana

    Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime

    Like a hammer on a drum
    Like footprints in the sand
    From the moment we are born
    There’s an imprint on your hand

    Wrap your fingers ’round my neck
    You don’t speak my dialect
    But our images reflect
    Drawn together by the flame
    We are just the same
    Embrace the wind and fall into
    Another time and space

    If we belong to each other, we belong
    Anyplace anywhere anytime
    I’m going to any world you’re coming from
    Anyplace anywhere anytime

    Another story, time and age
    You were a pirate from the sea
    Words sail across the page
    Crash like thunder suddenly

    Bits and pieces from your storm
    Rain upon me as they form
    Melt into my skin and I feel warm
    Sweep upon me like a wave
    We are young and brave
    Embrace the wind and float into
    Another time and space

  2. Krausíno

    Klip i muzika jsou výborné!!

  3. pavel

    dost dobry hezky melodicka pisnička a oběma to sluši klip parada

  4. kaja

    tento duet se jim hodně povedl

  5. Radka

    To je Bomba Klip

  6. slavoň

    Na 100% Nena.

  7. šárka

    super muzika!!!!!!!!!


    mám dojem že je to od Neny,jen to holky daly dohromady,ale fakt určite nevím,

  9. chapman

    Kdo to zpíval v 80. letech? Dík

    Jinak to holky rozjeli parádně. Super